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Some arrests are based on allegations, not actions

On Behalf of | Sep 17, 2020 | Domestic Violence Defense |

Every relationship has unique positive and negative moments. Although family arguments often escalate, there are varying boundaries about where anger crosses a line and becomes abusive.

A domestic violence arrest can have devastating effects on an individual. Along with a tarnished reputation and possible time behind bars, charges could cost you your job or the ability to spend time with your children. But what happens when the alleged abuse never took place?

Defending yourself against false accusations

Unfortunately, violent acts occur in far too many households. Yet, it’s important to remember that accusations or calls for help do not always represent what went on behind closed doors.

Sometimes people resort to extreme measures, especially when their marriage is falling apart. Manipulative though they may be, domestic abuse claims commonly factor into divorce.

To try to secure a favorable child custody arrangement, for example, a parent may file a report to gain an upper hand in their settlement. Revenge may be another motivating factor in calling the police.

If a restraining order goes into effect, the court could order you to:

  • Move out of your home
  • Discontinue contact with the person or people you allegedly abused
  • Surrender your firearms
  • Stay a set distance away from your place of employment
  • Relinquish your parental rights

Regardless of whether domestic violence claims accurately represent your actions, violating the terms of a restraining order could result in criminal charges.

Help for purported abusers

Psychological help is available both for those who suffer at the hands of an abuser and those who struggle to handle their anger in appropriate ways. Additionally, licensed family and marriage therapists can help couples improve their communication and conflict management skills.

However, if you face allegations of domestic violence, exploring your legal options is imperative to protect your rights. In some cases, charges filed against you may be a reason to fight – in court.